

  • USA: Virginia
  • Girls OPN
  • 0322980
National: 0
Regional: 0
Virginia: 0
Ranking Points: 0
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Club Information

Club Name



Team Information
Team ID# 0322980
Coach Katie Reynolds
Manager Robert Smith
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Ranked Statistics
Goals For
Goals Against
Goal Ratio
Win %

Ranked events

GotSoccer GotSoccer Scheduled Event (Bonus points awarded)

All points expire 12 months after end date.

Awards - 12 Months

All points expire 12 months after end date.

No awards in the past 12 months for this team.

Game History

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Upcoming Games

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Team Roster

Picture Number L.Name F.Name Position G-A-S
1 Turner Megan 0-0-0
2 Ilham Trabelsi 0-0-0
2 Trabelsi Ilham 0-0-0
3 Morales Serena 0-0-0
4 Gonzales-Monzon Shirley 0-0-0
6 Fitzgerald Danielle 0-0-0
6 Reibeling Sabrina 0-0-0
6 Sabrina Reibeling 0-0-0
7 Chute Katie 0-0-0
7 Londono Jennifer 0-0-0
8 Ackley Katherine 0-0-0
9 Konjevoda Ruth 0-0-0
10 Saadoon Daliya 0-0-0
11 Medina Katherine 0-0-0
12 Odria-Hopkins Kaytlin 0-0-0
13 Franke Charlene 0-0-0
16 Claire Schmidt 0-0-0
16 Jones McKenna 0-0-0
17 Amatangelo Mara 0-0-0
17 Schmidt Claire 0-0-0
18 Pettit Victoria 0-0-0
18 Victoria Pettit 0-0-0
19 Elahi Leila 0-0-0
20 Nazari Neeka 0-0-0
21 Webb Sandra 0-0-0
22 Foulks Zoe 0-0-0
22 Zoe Foulks 0-0-0
23 Martin Valerie 0-0-0
23 Valerie Martin 0-0-0
26 Smith Madeleine 0-0-0
29 Franke Katherine 0-0-0
30 Magnani Marissa 0-0-0
33 Flach Anna 0-0-0