October 24-25th, 2014
The City of Las Vegas Mayor's Cup International Showcase, is Co-Hosted by the City of Las Vegas and Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club.
The "Platinum Ranked" City of Las Vegas Mayor's Cup International Tournament, is Co-Hosted by the City of Las Vegas and Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club.
Last year's tournament had teams from 11 different states associations as well as Canada and Mexico. We offer Gold & Silver levels for Boys & Girls, U8-U15. U11 teams will have a choice of playing 8 v. 8 or 11 v 11 sided games. All U8-U10 teams will play 8 v. 8. Teams are guaranteed 3 games. Individual awards are offered for 1st and 2nd Place. The entry fee is only $530 for U8-U10 & $765 for U11-U15.
Entry deadline is September 5, 2014
Visit the tournament website for more information and to Register
This tournament is fully integrated with the
GotSoccer Tournament Scheduler