Tucson, Arizona

The Tucson Soccer Academy is excited to present our tournament again this year. This year, many games will be held at the Kino Soccer Sports Complex, a world class soccer complex with state of the art fields. Games will be played at 4 to 6 different locations in Tucson with Friday night games only for local teams unless requested by out of town teams. Let's start the new soccer season in Arizona!

Registration Fees:

$425 for U8-U9 (6v6 Format)

$450 for U10-U11 (8v8 Format)

$500 for U12-U13 (U12 8v8 or 11v11 Format)

$525 for U14, and $550 for U15-U19

Visit the tournament website for more information

This tournament is fully integrated with the
GotSoccer Tournament Scheduler

Register Now

7/13/2015 9:05:22 PM
GotSoccer LLC, 1529 Third St. S., Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250. Email Tel: 904-746-4446