News & Announcements

Swansea City Sack Bradley
After just 11 games at the helm Bob Bradley has been fired as coach of Premier League club Swansea City. Bradley had become the first American to manage in one of Europe?s top four leagues. By Peter Nolan
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MLS - Big 5
With the Ice Bowl, um, I mean the MLS Cup behind us, the MLS off-season kicked off this week with a vengeance, so let's take a look at this week's Big - 5. By Peter Nolan
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Fans Turn on Bradley as Swansea Struggles Continue
Chants of "you don?t know what you're doing" and "we want Bradley out" cascaded around the Liberty Arena as Swansea were embarrassed on Boxing Day by a 4-1 scoreline by West Ham. By Peter Nolan
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Alex Morgan Signs 6 Month Deal with Olympique Lyonnais
A tough year for women's soccer in the United States saved one final twist of the tail for the dying days of 2016 with the news that Alex Morgan has agreed to a six-month deal. By Peter Nolan
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