Neptune 46th Annual Summer Kickoff

Neptune 46th Annual Summer Kickoff

NSA 46TH ANNUAL SUMMER KICKOFF SOCCER TOURNAMENT UPDATE 5/16/2020: It is with great regret that the Neptune Soccer Association has cancelled our 46th Annual Summer Kickoff Soccer Tournament scheduled for June 27-28, 2020. This decision was extremely difficult, and much thought and consideration went into coming to this conclusion. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the suspension of the 2020 Spring season until at least June 6, our executive board has decided there would not be enough time to pull the tournament together. We considered several options to try and host this year’s tournament but, the health and safety of the players, coaches, referees, and all involved continues to be our number one priority. We feel cancelling the tournament is the correct and responsible decision. I would like to thank the players, coaches, referees, and volunteers. Without all of you, our tournament would not be possible, and we look forward to hosting next year and many years to come. I would also like to thank the Neptune Township Recreation Department and the Neptune Township Board of Education for their continued support. If you have already registered for this year’s tournament, you will be contacted by one of our tournament directors. Contact with any questions. Again, we look forward to seeing you next year when we will host the Neptune Summer Kickoff Soccer Tournament. Stay safe, be well, and love soccer. Sincerely, Rob Podlaski President-NSA

Boys - Silver Tournament


In State


In region




Total Teams

Ranked Boys Flights

Girls - Silver Tournament


In State


In region




Total Teams

Ranked Girls Flights
