2020 Surf Cup (Olders) 2006 - 2002

2020 Surf Cup (Olders) 2006 - 2002

6/30/2020 PLAYDATES FOR THIS EVENT HAVE CHANGED: Due to COVID19, phase reopening and the NCAA extension on the college coach recruiting ban being extended through 8/31, we have changed the dates for this summer's event and moved the olders events in to Labor Day weekend for BOTH the boys and girls teams. The 2020 Surf Cup tournament starts the new soccer year in Southern California. Teams should register and play according to the 2020/21 season. BOYS and GIRLS 2006 - 2002 Playdates: September 5 - 7, 2020 (Sat - Mon) We will follow US Soccer's Age Group Guidelines based on birth year. All teams must play using 2020/21 player cards. 2019/2020 player cards will not be accepted for this September event. Olders Surf Cup will host teams in birth years 2006(U15), 2005(U16), 2004(U17), 2003(U18) and 2002(U19). Each birth year will have a "Best of the Best Division". The Best of the Best Division will be the top division at this event. The top 16 team applications will be selected for this division in each age/birth year. All teams are guaranteed 3 games for the Boys and Girls Older weekends. This event is sanctioned by US Club Soccer but accepts player cards from USYS, USSSA and USSF as well. Registration deadline: July 27, 2020. Teams will be notified by July 31, 2020 of their acceptance in this event. Venues: Boys games will all be played at the SoCal Sports Complex in Oceanside, CA. Girls games will all be played at the Surf Sports Complex in Del Mar. Surf Cup is a stay and play event and all accepted teams are required to make their hotel reservations through Maverick Sports Travel. The link to hotel reservations will be included in the acceptance email teams receive if accepted.

Boys - Not Ranked


In State



In region






Total Teams

Girls - Not Ranked


In State



In region






Total Teams