Yardley Makefield Soccer Club is hosting our 35th Annual EPIC Soccer Tournament on May 10-12, 2024. We are excited to be hosting both girls and boys teams of all skill levels, from premier to travel. We utilize large soccer complexes in Bucks County, PA, as well as across the river in Mercer County, NJ. We do our best to accomodate coaches that have two teams to allow you to bring your club together in one central location for the weekend. Games will follow a traditional 2-day tournament format over Saturday and Sunday, with some games for local teams taking place on Friday night.
In State
In region
Total Teams
Championship U10 | 1409 |
Elite U10 | 811 |
Premier U10 | 643 |
Gold U10 | 511 |
Silver U10 | 375 |
Championship U12 | 1810 |
Elite U12 | 375 |
Premier U12 | 254 |
Championship U14 | 3187 |
Elite U14 | 281 |
Championship U16 | 499 |
Elite U16 | 250 |
Championship U11 | 2569 |
Elite U11 | 831 |
Premier U11 | 831 |
Gold U11 | 203 |
Championship U13 | 3131 |
Elite U13 | 1574 |
Premier U13 | 549 |
Championship U15 | 406 |
Elite U15 | 297 |
Championship U17 | 487 |
In State
In region
Total Teams
Championship U10 | 2948 |
Elite U10 | 1512 |
Premier U10 | 518 |
Championship U12 | 6406 |
Elite U12 | 960 |
Premier U12 | 456 |
Championship U14 | 4004 |
Elite U14 | 757 |
Championship U16 | 313 |
Championship U11 | 3448 |
Elite U11 | 978 |
Premier U11 | 645 |
Gold U11 | 855 |
Championship U13 | 9500 |
Elite U13 | 4334 |
Premier U13 | 483 |
Championship U15 | 1924 |
Elite U15 | 781 |